Solid Building Blocks - To Excel You

Think Like a Champion

 1: Champions have Clear Intentions of their outcome. They know where they want to make the ball, where they want the cue ball to land, and how they plan to get it there.

On Every shot Champions line up the object ball to the pocket and then they line up the cue ball to the object ball.

Champion pool players live in a universe of specificity when it comes to what they are doing on the table. The more specific, the higher their success will tend to be. Instead of saying “I want the cue ball to be somewhere over there,” they say “I want the cue ball to land right there.(Within the area of a triangle). 

2: Champions take a deep breath for a clear mind to mentally see the ghost ball on the object ball to roll it to the pocket. They also see the cue ball rolling to the ghost ball target before they take their 1st Stroke.

3: Champions Stay Focused on what they want. Instead of allowing their mind to wander into the bad things that could happen, they become good at deciding and then staying focused on their desired outcome. Champions have their chins on or close to the cue stick to Stay Down on the Shot until all balls stop rolling (to see exactly what happened)

4: Champions continually put in the Work to Develop and maintain the skills necessary to tackle all situations. If there is something they don’t know, they are eager to learn a new technique or shot. They all Know that Having a Good  Instructor will  save you many years of frustration.

5: If something goes wrong, Champions DO NOT DWELL ON IT, instead they get Focused, Come Back to their Game Plan to find a positive solution to fix the situation. So, if they miss a shot, they let it go and move on mentally. They know the fact that they must be Ready Immediately to Respond with the good shotmaking skills that they have practiced and learned.  To give their very Best Stroke at their next turn at the table.

6. Champions are Relentless, Focused, Execute a Smooth Stroke, Determined, Develop Sportsmanship and They NEVER GIVE UP!
Think and Act like a Champion. You can Become One!  

Breathe Deep and Focus Clearly
Stroke Smooth... Always. 

Tips for Improving Your Game

One of the best things about pool is that there is always more to learn. Everyone's game can use an adjustment every now and then, even the pros!

You may already know how to stroke a ball and achieve accurate follow and draw, but your game can still go south or into a slump if you aren't careful.
Here is three tips to consider when you feel the need to make adjustments: 

1. Every sport that uses a ball requires balance, and that surely includes Billiard games.
2. Make sure your shooting stance is comfortable, natural and strong.
3. Your stance should be strong enough that you can resist a shove on your shooting side.

Smooth Stroking

Your  Stroke should be just that -  a Smooth, Silky Motion with a Beginning, Middle and End.
Don't rush your Stroke, and don't choke it off...Let it
Follow-Through Smoothly.

Master Your Thoughts at The Table

1. Take Your Best Stroke committed to the shot 100%...At ALL TIMES!

2. Be Aware to control anger/disappointment  that comes from within, usually because you did not put all of your efforts into making the shot or an errant thought interrupted your routine.

3. Develop Consistency in everything that you do. Develop a Strong, Unstoppable Pre-Shot Process.

4. If you give less than 100%, you’ll make more mistakes and you may get used to giving up on the shot or mentally blocking out the shot. You would be surprised at the number of students I corrected for closing their eyes or taking their eyes off the target while shooting. 

5. Often, Missing happens mentally before you shoot the shot.

6. Stay focused mentally and stay focused when stroking.

7. Control your response to all outcomes and all rolls.

8. Learn that It's not always the Bad Roll or Problem that plagues us...It's How we Handle It.

9. Even as you watch your opponent sink Ball after Ball, Learn the Techniques of  How to Stay encouraged/uplifted while sitting in the chair. 

10. Faith, Courage and Positive Thoughts must cover every aspect of your Playing.

S. Brownstone, 3 March 2020  

Stevenbrownstonebilliards Com

Washington D.C Metro Area

CAMP SPRINGS, Maryland, 20748


A Professional Coach/Master Trainer Certified by the Billiard Congress of America, the American Cue Sports Alliance and the Professional Billiard Instructors Association to teach Pocket Billiards at all Levels and all ages. Brownstone is background security checked and qualified to teach children.

He is committed to your success and bolsters your self-esteem giving you a Winner's Attitude. You will develop the skills to be competitive, success driven, win more, maintain composure, and goal oriented.

You play better with increased confidence. 

Brownstone is dedicated to giving you the best in Maximum Motivation.

Providing 1st Class Billiards Knowledge to eager Students Worldwide. One Shot at a Time...Since 1989.

The Journey to Billiards Enlightenment begins with seeking knowledge and concepts from a Certified Instructor with the dedication and passion whose main purpose is to assist you to become a better player.

If your goals are to increase your present skills, enhance what you already know, Stay Motivated, Become a Better Shot Maker or to learn something new, then today is your time…pick a topic, think about the concept: Close your Eyes, Focus, Breathe Deep and Visualize Yourself Confident, Courageous, Stroking Smoothly, Being Supremely  Successful...Shot after Shot.

Shot Makers Worldwide have studied, Developed Winning Attitudes and practiced  the techniques  within this site, and now you have the capability to Learn How to Win! One Shot at a Time.

Stroke Smooth,

Billiard Congress of America
BCA Charter Member Instructor since 1992   

American Billiard University, Senior Instructor

Women's Professional Pool Association

Professional Billiard Instructors Association

American CueSports Alliance -Instructor/Referee

Billiard Education Foundation - The Future of Pool

American Pool Players Association Tournament Player

U.S. Professional Pool Players Association Touring Pro   
BCA Pool Leagues - Referee/Tournament Player

World Pool-Billiard Association Touring Pro

Notary Public 

© 2023 Steven Brownstone Billiards